Taking care of your home and garden doesn’t have to be an arduous process. In order to discover a few simple tricks to taking care of your home and garden, simply continue reading.
Home and garden advice:
1. Consider making your own natural homemade pest spray
If you’re concerned about the ingredients which are contained in most store brought pest sprays, you have the option of making your own homemade pest spray.
Examples of some of the homemade pest sprays which you may want to consider creating include a rhubarb leaf spray as rhubarb leaves are toxic to most pests such as insects and a garlic or onion spray as both garlic and onions give off strong scents which repel unwanted pests.
If you’re interested either google rhubarb leaf spray, garlic spray or onion spray to find a full list of the ingredients which you’ll need as well as handy step by step instructions.
2. Start growing seedlings inside, instead of in your garden
One way to ensure that your seedlings thrive is to start growing your seedlings inside near a window which lets plenty of natural sunlight into your home. As if you choose to start growing your seedlings indoors, they won’t have to contend with the elements such as heavy wind and rain and will be safe from pests.
3. Use lemon juice to clean hard to clean areas and surfaces in your home
As examples, you can squeeze a bit of lemon juice on to a damp sponge in order to clean your kitchen and bathroom countertops and the inside of a dirty microwave.
4. Consider making your own all-purpose cleaner
If you’d love to be able to make your own homemade all-purpose cleaner which you’ll be able to use to clean every surface in your home simply mix one quart of warm water and four tablespoons of baking powder into a plastic spray bottle.
To use your new all-purpose cleaner simply spray it onto a sponge and you’ll be able to get to work cleaning your home’s surfaces. Such as your fridge, your stovetop and your bathroom countertops.
5. Use a bit of toothpaste to remove pen marks from wood surfaces
If you notice pen marks on some of your wood surfaces such as wooden floors or furniture, simply rub a bit of toothpaste onto the affected area and you should be able to buff out your pen stains.
6. Place lemon rinds in your trash can in order to keep it smelling sweet
If you hate the smell which your kitchen trash can gives off, simply get into the habit of placing lemon rinds in your trash can every few days. Once you place your lemon rinds in your trash can douse them with a splash of water and you should find that your trash can stops smelling so awful.
7. Sprinkle your pet’s bed with a bit of baking soda
If your pet’s bed gives off a funky odor, simply sprinkle their bed with a little bit of baking soda and their bed should smell as good as new.
So why not pick the home and garden tip listed above which most interests you, in order to try it out for yourself?
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